This is my first English project~

Pare in Next Decade

PARE, Pare is one of the sub districts in Kediri City that now is very popular by everyone, at every time, and in everywhere. Do you know Pare? Of course, you say “Yes, I know Pare. It is a place that “Kampung Inggris” located. We can study English there comfortably and of course with the cheap price.” Most people have known about BEC, Global E, Kresna, Daffodils, DEC, EELCC, and more again. But, many people haven’t known yet that Pare has changed the popularity of its city, Kediri, to be itself. Several years ago, Pare sub district will be chosen as the capital city of Kediri regency, but it had cancelled because of some reasons.  Although Pare is the part of Kediri city, many people have known more about Pare than Kediri. Then, how about Pare in next decade? Surely, it will have many changes, not only from the economic sector, but also from the culture sector.
In the next decade, the economic sector of Pare sub district will increase significantly. First, it can be seen from the facilities in Pare. Now, because of the high request from the people, the residents and the coming people, there are many clothes shop or maybe we call it as distro. Not only that, there are so many cafĂ©, right? So, at the next decade, the government of Pare will build some malls and restaurant in Pare. Then, we can also see from the tourism place. Of course at the next decade, the tourism place in Pare, Surowono Temple, Surowono Cave and Tegowangi Temple, will be more crowded than before. Perhaps, the government will be back to open the closed tourism place, like “Pemandian Corah”, and add the new others. With that condition, it will change the life of the residents in Pare. They will be more active, especially at the business. And the effect, it will increase the income per capita of Pare sub district.
Pare sub district will undergo the change of the culture in next decade. Pare residents will get many new cultures and styles from the coming people. For example, there is coming person from one of the other sub district in Indonesia. He tells the Pare residents how to make or do something. So, it will change the Pare people’s behavior. Now, “Kampung Inggris” has success make everyone around there use little English every day. In next decade, the residents in all part of Pare sub district will use bilingual language, English and Indonesian, every day. So that Pare will become a modern and International sub district.

Then, with that change, Will Pare be capital city of Kediri regency? Of course it will back to the government of Kediri regency. But, as the residents of Pare sub district, let’s we say that we are proud to be part of Pare sub district. And for the people that lived in other place, let’s come to Pare and enjoy it.

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[REVOLVERE PROJECT] Kau Yang Mengutuhkan Aku

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Kita Satu

Kita satu! Jika ada salah satu yang terjatuh, yang lain akan siap menolong! Jangan pernah berfikir dia senang di atas penderitaan kita! Dan untuk yang sudah diberikan anugerah oleh Allah swt. jangan pernah tidak menghargai yang lain. Sekali lagi Kita Satu! Akan tiba waktunya kita semua berkata, "Alhamdulillah Rek! Ini loh aku, sudah menemukan Anugerah itu.." Allah swt. selalu membedakan jalan setiap hamba-Nya.. Tapi Allah swt. akan mempertemukan kita pada satu titik, "sukses".. Hargai setiap proses itu.. Semua pasti indah pada waktunya.

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Hamba bersyukur, ya Allah!

Hari ini, di jam ini menit ini dan detik ini.. Hamba bersyukur atas apa yang telah tercurahkan kepada hamba, keluarga hamba, teman-teman hamba, dan orang orang di sekeliling hamba. Terima kasih untuk setiap bimbinganMu, tuntunanMu, kasih sayangMu, dan juga karuniaMu, ya Allah.. Engkau telah menuliskan skenario kehidupanku dengan indah, dengan kebahagian secukupnya, kesedihan sekedarnya, kemaraan seperlunya, dan kekecewaan sewajarnya.

Engkau lukiskan dan Engkau ciptakan keindahan alam, beraneka flora dan fauna, serta kenampakan lainnya untuk menemani hamba di bumi ini.

Terima kasih, Ya Allah, Engkau telah memberikan kesempatan kepada hamba untuk dilahirkan oleh seorang Ibu yang sangat mulia sekali. Wiwik Mulyaningsih :)
Terima kasih, Ya Allah, Engkau telah menakdirkan hamba memiliki bapak yang sangat luar biasa. Meski kini Engkau mengambil bapak terlebih dahulu. Tamto Suprayitno (Alm) :)
Terima kasih, Ya Allah, Engkau telah lahirkan seseorang sebelum hamba lahir, sebagai teman dan saudara yang selalu ada untuk hamba. Laega Rindra Setiawan :)
Terima kasih, Ya Allah, Engkau telah menghadirkan keluarga , guru-guru, dan orang-orang yang sangat berjasa dalam perkembangan diri hamba.
Terima kasih Ya Allah, Engkau telah ijinkan hamba untuk saling berbagi dan saling mendukung satu sama lain dengan orang ini. Muhammad Sabilla Mahmuzain :)
Terima kasih Ya Allah, Engkau memberikan hamba kesempatan untuk memiliki sahabat-sahabat super ini. Diara :) Scoe'B (Puspita, Alvica, Ericha) :) Cucumb :) Mega,Zuris,Ericha :) Belva :) Martha :) Hafid :) Djong Celebest :) Enis :) Idha :) Tiara :) Dekandra :) Aan :) DeltaForce :) Festian :) Agus :) Lidya :) Golden Crew :)

Alhamdulillah.. Allahu Akbar!

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